Laboratory techniques

The correct interpretation of laboratory results is just as important as conducting the laboratory tests itself. A deviating laboratory result is not by definition the main cause of the failure of a protective coating system.

iCorrosion protection can sometimes fail (prematurely). The costs of corrosion protection are considerable and the damage suffered in the unexpected failure of the corrosion protection is therefore often high. DCC has extensive experience in performing failure analyzes. It is often incorrectly assumed that the failure was almost by definition caused by the preservation company. There are many other reasons why preservation systems sometimes fail prematurely, such as incorrect paint technical advice, a changed operating parameter of an installation or even errors during the manufacture of a paint product.

A failure analysis always starts with sound advice that first of all looks at the client’s goal and position. There is often a tendency to analyze and test as many things as possible without evaluating whether this contributes to finding a solution. Failure analyzes not only require the right technique, but above all, the right tactics.

DCC performs failure analyzes by using various laboratory techniques and inspection techniques. However, the correct interpretation of inspection and analysis results is decisive for a thorough failure analysis. In this case, the number of possible causes can often be reduced and the reason, or combination of reasons, can be determined.

staalwerk voorbehandeling

Detection of mill scale

Failure to completely remove mill scale is a common cause of premature failure of a coating system. Mill scale behaves cathodic (more noble) relative to the steel substrate. Mill scale is the typical blue/black…

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Klimatologische  omstandigheden


Blistering of a coating system is considered to be a defect resulting from many different possible causes. Blistering of coating systems has multiple causes. One example is solvent entrapment, which may have resulted…

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Laag dikte

Carcinogenic PAH containing coating systems

Certain types of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) are carcinogenic and are often found in coal tar (epoxy) based coatings. These substances pose a health risk to those who have to remove this type of coating.

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Chromium 6 in coating systems

Hexavalent chromium is found in certain old coating systems. It poses a significant risk to those who have to remove this type of coating. It will not have escaped anyone’s notice that there has been a lot of news recently…

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Toxic heavy metals in coating systems

Heavy metals such as lead are found as pigmentation in certain old coating systems. It poses a great risk to those who have to remove this type of coating. Lead containing coating systems, such as partially composed…

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